Lunch at F F Farms (2 or 1) is always a delight and a treat. Not only because nonsense is understood, discussed and respected, but because it’s an opportunity to plot future shenanigans.
Himself had to exercise extreme patience (and ingenuity) extracting a very reluctant dry cork from a bottle of 1997 Burrowing Owl Merlot. A most enjoyable imbibe. Old style, classic offering. If it were a blind taste test, I would have said it came from the Land of Oz or South Africa, not the BC Interior. If I hadn’t have had to be chauffeur, I would have shown true appreciation for the wine by helped him drain the entire bottle. Vastly different to the current very fruit forward variety from the Vineyard on the Hill.
Food – it was the best home made Tomato soup we’ve ever had! Followed by salada and a wonderful seafood crepe and then … and then … an assortment of cheesecakes. And then, .. plotting future escapades in front of the fire in the sitting room.
To celebrate their 54 years of being His Lord and and Her Ladyship – we brought chocolates. Not His. Not Mine. The other Guys (Purdy’s).