There used to be a lot of ducks at Swan Lake Nature Preserve.
Not any more, and I’m wondering where they’ve gone. Mallards don’t generally migrate, so we can’t use that excuse.

Swan Lake

We don’t see them any more at Rithet’s Bog.

Nor at Outerbridge Park. It used to be full of them.
They seem to have deserted Blenkinsop Lake too.
We don’t see them at Beckwith Park’s little (Turtle Pond). There used to be a lot of them there.

Not anymore

There used to be many at Bow Park …not now!.

But in reduced numbers – at King George Pond (at the top end of Cedar Hill Golf Course).

Have you seen them? Where are they?
Is this the turtles seeking revenge for the ducks taking over their logs?

Next question I have is “Where do the deer go before they pass into Deer Heaven?”