This is the One Thousandth post.
What have we done and what did we do? Have and did being the operative words.
22+ Mystery Cases later of the Goddess’ divine interventions.
Nearly 7000 km hoofed. About 90% of which was in our own ‘hood.
On another positive note, I didn’t need any bail money, and didn’t have to hide any bodies.
When the phone rang, and it was the next door neighbour, we thought she was complaining
about the music/noise level with our rowdy company. Ooops. Not. she wanted to trade puzzles.
Wanted to borrow another one in the series that we have.
Thank to those who have contributed ideas. Keep it up, we’d love to hear more from you.
Here’s to the next Thousand incidental observations.
I ask: “What are we on the threshold of?” And looking forward to more of the simpler things in life – the rocks
warmed by the sun, the changes in the sights, smells and sounds as the seasons change.