I’ve often remarked that it’s all about terroir – and what should be included in any wine review is the terroir of the people sharing the wine with you. The diversity of the conversation plays a role in savouring the moment.
Just because I’ve trained vines, worked harvests, bottled and labeled wine doesn’t make me more qualified to talk about a specific vintage. Was my backache from
carting carboys of grapes influential in how a certain vintage tasted? NOT!
If there is one less person of a habitual group of gatherers does that mean the wine is going to be a different shared experience? Only in their head.
Terroir is personality. And personality can be altered. Wild or cultured yeast to kick start fermentation makes a difference to the end product.
Now I ask you: Gummies are plant based. Grapes are a plant based fruit. So, … why can’t gummies be used as a descriptor in a wine review? Just askin.
I belabour the point ….. what’s your terroir? — it matters to me!
And then there’s nights you just want a beer.
What say you?