Vintage 2017 began with restorative rains that replenished soils, helped support vine growth and fortified the vineyards through the Spring. Harvest began normally with yields looking promising, but a late-August heat wave that continued into September caused harvest to pick up at a rapid pace. October was marked by wildfires in the North Coast, and while the fires devastated many homes and properties, our fruit was unaffected and our winery made it safely through this tumultuous time. Overall, most saw an abundant harvest with above normal yields that gave our winemakers quality fruit and the opportunity to develop wines with depth and character.
The blend is 79% Cabernet Sauvignon, 8% Petite Sirah, 7% Malbec, 5% Merlot and 1% Syrah. This is a blend that works with anything, anywhere anytime.Cherries and blackberries up front, lovely tannins to build the complexity and then a soft round finish. Lots of depth and a definite character to it. It tastes like a Cab should. Someone said ‘brawny and old school” .. Yeah. I agree.
$26.99 regularly $28.99
13.5 % Alcohol
UPC: 00717888510025
Evoke a familiar tune in a song and get slapped with a lawsuit … it’s a tale almost as old as copyright itself. Lawyer and technologist Damien Riehl digs into why “owning” a melody is a ludicrous legal assertion and composes a radical solution for the musical woes of songwriters everywhere.
They stay at Great Grandpa’s
Learning new moves from Storm (at 1:50)
how to impress at the beach
Chiaretto comes from the Italian word “chiaro”, which means light or pale. Chiaretto means something even paler, quite simply, a lighter shade of pale. This is a good description of the colour of Chiaretto di Bardolino. Sometimes when you look in the glass, you can almost mistake it for a white wine. The colour is beautiful in the bottle. This is important, as the appearance is part of the attraction of rosé wines. We have tasted an extensive selection of Chiaretto di Bardolino and give you our best picks.
Chiaretto di Bardolino comes from the eastern side of the beautiful Lake Garda in the Veneto region of northern Italy. The area is the same as for the red Bardolino wines. As for the red wines, the rose producers use mostly corvina. They can use up to 95% in a Chiaretto. It is mandatory to have at least 5% of rondinella. Corvina and rondinella are also the main grapes in neighbouring Valpolicella.
Simply…we really enjoyed it.
Tommasi Chiaretto Rose
12% Alcohol
A hot brand in the USA, the Pinot Noir joins the Chardonnay that is off and running already.
Plush red and black fruit aromas, on taste there is a richness of fruit and oak and vanilla notes can also be found. It is perfect as a sipper or with your favourite oven or stove top or slow cooker recipes. We served it with Sausages – baked not grilled which made a great combo.
The Goddess introduced us to this vineyard back in February with the Cabernet Sauvignon. She thought she’d try us out with the Pinot Noir this Mytsery Case.
This is a classic fruit-forward, delicious and smooth Pinot Noir. Very smooth with a low acidity.
13.5% Alcohol
UPC: 00850832004277
It’s dad law that if you encounter a group of children building a sand castle at the beach, you have to ask them if they have the appropriate permits.
The vet told us there’s a note in Gristle’s file that shes most of the nurse’s favorite dog and to let everyone know when she’s there so they dont miss out on petting her.
Preschools will be like “we are an immersive program that enriches your child’s world by expanding their horizons and connecting them with all the skills they need to succeed and the tools they need to socialize with their peers. The school is from 9am-11am Tues and Wed”.
“Rushed to check my cat was OK only to find it trying to steal salmon jerky from a kitchen drawer shaken open by the earthquake”
My 6yo is already beating me at Mario Kart and now I know you can be simultaneously proud and ashamed of the same thing.
I’m your wife. You might remember me from such hits as “I’m not hungry” and its sequel “Are you going to finish that?”
talking to someone in IT about a forgotten password and I’m using words like “okey-dokey” and “lord willing” so they think I’m just an old person and not a technologically incompetent 20-something.
Marriage is wearing the same shirt for three days in a row and on the third day, your husband asking if you got a new shirt.
5: today in school, we talked about what to do if you have anxiety Me, grabbing a note pad and pen: go on.
I can be in the living room and somehow still be in my wife’s way in the kitchen.
Tom Brady spent two months with his children and decided he’d rather be hit by 300 pound linemen, and I think that tells me everything I need to know about having kids.
I hope that my husband retires the same way as Tom Brady did. You know… goes back to work after 40 days.
Parenting in 3 steps: (1) Your kid gets a little cold (2) They sneeze on you (3) Now you have Ebola
My husband called my bluff today 🙁 I asked him to do something and he said he would in a bit so I said “Fine, I’ll do it myself .” And he said, “Okay, good luck .”
Me: I am strong and competent and able to handle any challenge thrown at me. Also me: *calls my husband because a bee keeps aggressively chasing me out of the kitchen*
If you’re wondering if parenting is for you, I just heard a voice say “howdy partner!” and turned around to see my 3 yo wearing his potty seat on his head like a cowboy hat.
Me: I love you 7yo: I love you too Me: l love you to infinity 7yo: I love you to infinity too Me: l love you more than ice cream 7yo: 7yo: what flavor?
Before I got married I didn’t even know there was a wrong way to put the milk back in the fridge.
Wife is back from her trip and is upset at all the dishes in the sink, but at least they’re not in the dishwasher incorrectly.
My child, with a 4th grade education: That’s a cumulus cloud! Me, a college-educated adult: That cloud looks like a turtle!
Absolutely travel with kids. It’s important they experience begging to watch their iPad in new environments.
Have kids so they can interrupt your meeting to remind you that triceratops was the horniest dinosaur.
My wife said “Sometimes you can be so lazy,” and then she walked out of the room. I looked at our dog and said “Go find out which one of us she’s talking about.”
Had to give up my pillow so that my 4yo’s fave stuffy could have a pillow. Otherwise the stuffy wouldn’t be able to sleep obviously.
I told my wife she missed a spot while vacuuming, just before it became my permanent job.
Spent all day consoling my kids for not being Irish until my husband came home and was like, let me tell you about your Irish grandmother. I completely forgot that my children come from two people.
Top Billboard Songs of the 70s