- Look for trees turning color.
- Watch for people wearing jackets and raking leaves .
- Watch for geese flying south.
- Look for pumpkins and gourds for sale.
- Watch for squirrels hiding nuts.
- Listen to insects singing slower on cool evenings.
- Listen for the rustle of dry leaves.
- Listen to children on the way to school.
- Listen for the calls of geese flying over.
- Listen for children playing football.
- Listen to insects singing slower on cool evenings.
- Listen for the rustle of dry leaves.
- Listen to children on the way to school.
- Listen for the calls of geese flying over.
- Listen for children playing football.
- Smell a pile of raked leaves.
- Smell a freshly sharpened pencil.
- Sniff a jacket worn outdoors.
- Smell a pencil eraser.
- Smell a sweater that hasn’t been worn since last spring.
Touch and Texture
- Let a cool breeze blow against your face.
- Touch a pumpkin.
- Touch the petal of a fall flower.
- Feel the wind push against you.
- Touch some seeds that have stuck to your jacket or socks.